Many dream big and have huge ambition: but few accomplish all they envision.
A magic few get exactly what they envision. Nikola Tesla, the genius who gave us the benefits of modern electricity with his discovery of how to transport and harness alternating current; and who is the true inventor of radio, having demonstrated a radio controlled model submarine to the U.S Navy in a flooded Madison Square Garden in New York City some eight years before Marconi managed to send a few dots and dashes through the air, was famed for having the ability to create a spiritual-mental, three-dimensional, holographic working model of his discoveries and being able to test and refine these models till they were perfected before he constructed them in the real universe.
At Ability Consultants, Inc. we don’t claim that we will deliver this kind of phenomenal ability on one of our basic courses, or in five or ten hours of private counseling — but it is an ability you will acquire with the application of sufficient of the ability enhancing exercises and processes we have available.
In the meantime, executives, elite athletes and others who are finding it slow going or unnecessarily hard to accomplish their true wants, objectives, or dreams and aspirations, will benefit from the “Set Ups for Success”™ technology and processes employed by us.
The accomplishment of one’s dreams and visions requires the application of a precise set of skills and abilities. They are a specific set of abilities and actions that must be applied exactly and in the correct sequence. Too often, ambitious individuals fail to achieve what they intend; and fail to fulfill their wants, dreams and visions because they lack this knowledge and do not apply correctly the needed technology.
At Ability Consultants, Inc., we have delineated the exactitude of this correct set-up, and have the technology that clients can learn and apply in order to guarantee success.
It is called The Set-ups for Success™ Course, and generally takes only twenty or so hours for a client to complete and learn how to succeed brilliantly at accomplishing whatever he or she intends.